Unraveling The Hidden Riches of Nigeria
Let’s unravel the inner Mysteries of Nigeria. This is the Search For the New Naija7wonders
Follow me on the Journey to find the Hidden Secrets of Nigeria. To get the 10 Totems for the New LogoMany people have different views of Nigeria. Some love to Hate Nigeria while Some love to Love her. For Me the Journey of Discovery is to See Nigeria with New Eyes.
I was born in Abia State, grew up in Enugu, Went to University of Ibadan, Served in Kaltungo now Gombe State and Bauchi State, Worked in Rogo and Gwarzo in Kano State, Had my Masters at U.I and Settled in Lagos.
Married from South South of Nigeria. I know every State in Nigeria very Well except Taraba.
Having gone from Calabar in Cross River State to Maiduguri in Borno State and from Ilela in Sokoto to Seme in Lagos I have been round Nigeria. So follow me let me show you Nigeria.
As Part of the Second Search for the Seven Wonders of Nigeria we dig into the depth of the bossom of the Nation. Lets go to find the TOTEMS for the Logo.
The First verse of the Old National Anthem is my guide. It says “though tribe and tongue may differ in brotherhood we Stand.
I start from the Sahel and the Sandy dunes of the Kanuri Heartland I found.
FUR the Kanuri Barb Horse the first Horse introduced to Nigeria more than a Thousand years ago.
The Journey took me to the Arid shrubland of the Hausas and I found
GAGGAFA The Martial Eagle. This is the Most Powerful Bird in Africa. The Eagle is the animal.
on our Coat of Arms.
Moving to the Far Eastern Volcanic almost Temperate Highlands of the Plateau is the home of theYELLOW TRUMPET our National Plant Costus Spectablis.
In the Guinea Savannah plains of the Benue the Food Basket of Nigeria I find
GBAR the Tiv Hoe traversing the Middle Belt we arrive the Dense Savannah forest around Abuja to see the well Designed Gwari Pottery especially the
SHAKWU the Gwari Pot.
OSE SANGO the hammer of the Yoruba God of Thunder.
Entering the Dense Equatorial forest I arrive one of the Greatest Kingdoms ever Built to see
EBEN the Ceremonial Sword of the Benin Royal Kingdom popular During the IGUE Festival.
Crossed the mighty River Niger to see
OGENE the Igbo Gong of Songs made from the Oldest Iron Smelting Sites in Africa.
Moving East into the huge Equatorial Forest I arrive the Efik and Ibibio Lands to See the Fearsome
EKPO Mask the Physical representation of the Spirits.
The Masquerades represent the Spirits amongst the Men. The Ekpe is the go Between.
OMU-ARU the Ijaw War Canoes. 40 British Soldiers were caught, Killed and Eaten.